
Flickr Photo Stats provides the ability to request information of your photos using REST via Flickr API

View the Project on GitHub JordiCorbilla/FlickrPhotoStats


Flickr Photo stats provides you with the ability to request information from your Flickr stream using the Web REST API. This tool does not need a PRO account to run against. It will keep track of your stats locally overtime.

Download the latest version here:

Downloads Downloads Stable Release License Delphi version

Additional libraries required: The application requires SSL authentication and for that it uses the libraries provided by OpenSSL. Remember to download the following libraries and place them in the application root:

License: GNU General Public License.

The app only needs a valid API Key that can be requested in the App Garden where my application is already published:

The App Garden - API request.

Once obtained, you can load your list or start a new one using the Api Key.

Additional info can be found in the following post in my blog.

Example of the app:

*New Dashboard v4.8.0.2 (Windows 10 support) *:

Dashboard (previous versions):



It will keep a list of all the photos you add to keep track of them automatically. The following information will be saved:

Each value is saved and stored over time so the tool can display the trend of a particular photo.

Code convention:

Use Batch Update to easily update all the values and keep a good track record of your flickr stream.

Version (RC stable):

Version (RC stable):

Older versions:

Version 4.6 (RC):

Version 4.7 (RC):

Older versions can be found here: Archive.

Usage of the Flickr API

You can create an instance of ParseServer, and mount it on a new or existing Express website:

   //TFlickrRest exposes the methods of the Flickr API.
   //THTTPRest exposes a REST approach with XML format
   THttpRest.Post(TFlickrRest.New(optionsAgent).getInfo(id), procedure (iXMLRootNode : IXMLNode)
      views := iXMLRootNode.attributes['views'];


Features for version 3.1:

Features for version 4.1:

Features for version 4.3:

Features for version 4.4:

Features for version 4.5:

Features for version 4.6:

Features for version 4.7:

Features for version

Features for version

Source code is available here.

The application can now use OAuth authentication using REST. The application itself can validate the user tokens and provide all the flow within the application. I will write a post about this in my blog.

Developed with Delphi 10.1 Berlin and C# and using OpenSSL libraries.


Version 4.4:

Version 4.5:

Version 4.6:

Version 4.7:

Version 4.8:

Version 5:

Platform Support

It works under Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 2012.

Minimum Requirements

This application is memory intensive and it will require loads of memory overtime. A year worth of history is about 500Mb in memory. Minumum recommended memory is 4Gb with a cpu with 4 cores (64 bits). Google can detect the constant sending/receiving of requests as a robot. Recommended screen resolution: 1920x1200. Minimum (1600x1200)


Flickr Photo Analytics Copyright (C) 2015 Jordi Corbilla

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU 
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. 
If not, see


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