
View the Project on GitHub JordiCorbilla/mpi4py-examples


This repository contains advanced parallel computing scripts to run against an MPI cluster.

License: GNU General Public License.

The creation and configuration of the cluster can be seen here:

The example provided in this repository is about matrix multiplication via MPI. The approach used is by slicing the matrix and sending each chunk to a particular node of the cluster, perform the calculations and send the results back to the main node.

The results of the execution can be seen below (time in seconds):

Test Sequential Time CPU1 CPU2 CPU3 CPU4 CPU1 CPU2 CPU3 CPU4 CPU1 CPU2 CPU3 CPU4 Max Speedup
12x12 0.01111 0.00525 0.0037 0.0037 0.00525 2.116190476
12x12 0.01111 0.00292 0.00202 0.00208 0.00303 0.00206 0.00211 0.00303 3.666666667
12x12 0.01111 0.00197 0.00175 0.00129 0.00205 0.00182 0.00122 0.00218 0.00183 0.00127 0.00218 5.096330275
12x12 0.01111 0.00214 0.00233 0.00212 0.00194 0.00202 0.00234 0.00267 0.00185 0.00201 0.00222 0.00209 0.00241 0.00267 4.161048689
60x60 1.29955 0.4778 0.36717 0.36728 0.4778 2.719861867
60x60 1.29955 0.35127 0.27552 0.20697 0.34767 0.27474 0.207 0.35127 3.699575825
60x60 1.29955 0.21966 0.22068 0.15385 0.22046 0.22196 0.15476 0.22054 0.22058 0.15436 0.22196 5.854883763
60x60 1.29955 0.18464 0.18589 0.18397 0.18379 0.18283 0.1851 0.18473 0.18374 0.18373 0.18427 0.18396 0.18381 0.18589 6.990962397
144x144 15.02287 5.08906 4.99491 4.93309 5.08906 2.951993099
144x144 15.02287 2.78648 2.90336 2.67886 2.78634 2.89459 2.68409 2.90336 5.174304943
144x144 15.02287 3.11941 2.69587 2.022 3.12694 2.69165 2.0254 3.12809 2.68855 2.01999 3.12809 4.802569619
144x144 15.02287 2.37735 2.3879 2.2758 2.38267 2.37713 2.27037 2.38764 2.37814 2.25782 2.38018 2.38604 2.27187 2.3879 6.29124754
216x216 51.69995 17.26683 17.08989 16.66551 17.26683 2.994177275
216x216 51.69995 9.67602 8.63827 8.60859 9.65453 8.62195 8.62782 9.67602 5.343100779
216x216 51.69995 10.52823 9.46254 7.30951 10.51718 9.44692 7.30529 10.54083 9.48649 7.28061 10.54083 4.90473236
216x216 51.69995 8.13615 8.12379 8.00465 8.13003 8.13992 7.94381 8.14352 8.1071 8.00023 8.13681 8.14298 7.999 8.14352 6.348599868

See the multiplication in action using 3 CPUs on each node:


mpi4py-examples Copyright (C) 2016 Jordi Corbilla

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU 
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. 
If not, see


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